All About Hair Color
Having the hair to match who you are is a life essential. How are you supposed to outshine all your besties at their own weddings if you can’t even work out what’s going on up top? Kidding… Okay, half-kidding. But seriously, we all know how great a new ‘do’ can make us feel, and finding the color that’s right for you is a big part of that. Here are a few tips to keep your hair color on point.
What’s Hot?
1. Light brown with blonde highlights: This is the color that Jennifer Aniston made famous, and gave the glint to “The Rachel”. These days there’s a new Jennifer strutting her stuff on the red carpet, Jennifer Lawrence, but the fact remains the same: contrast your brown with a little blonde and you’ll have the ‘it’-girl look you always wanted.
Celebrities rocking this style: Jennifer Lawrence
2. Crimson/Copper Red: Remember when red highlights were only what that weird punk girl at your high school used to have? Yeah, times have changed. Now red coloring gives you the fiery edge, without the attention-seeking ‘alternative’ connotation. Take Emma Stone as a prime example number 1 of how hot copper is.
Celebrities rocking this style: Emma Stone
3. Caramel: First of all, what’s not to like about caramel? It’s like the gooey, glorious sister chocolate never had. Second of all, Beyonce. Need I say more?
Celebrities rocking this style: Beyonce
Do you know about balayage coloring? It’s probably the hottest new thing on the block since that perm you’re mom was rockin’ back in the early 90s. Ew. Nevertheless, instead of using foils, balayage is where the color is painted onto the hair directly. Although it’s not as easy to contain, the technique is becoming popular for its far superior natural look and feel. It’s the difference between your hair looking natural like Jessica Biel’s and your hair looking like Paris Hilton’s circa 2002. Just, no.